Let's simplify things.

There are always questions regarding HESPERyoga and yoga/health in general so I want to make it easier for you by answering some of the most asked question right here!

What does yoga mean?

Yoga literally means “to unite.” It’s the practice of using your breath to unite your mind and body. There are eight facets of yoga. We call these “limbs.” The most commonly practiced limb of yoga is Asana. Asanas are the physical postures that most people associate with yoga.

Can I do yoga if I can't touch my toes?

Fact: Stretching is a huge part of the physical form of yoga. So naturally, you will become more limber with a regular practice. Being able to touch your toes is cool and all; but did you know that yoga can do so much more for your mind and body?

  • 20 minutes of yoga increases cognitive function and memory

  • 14 days of consistent practice improves sleep quality

  • 18 classes of yoga increases respiratory and breathing capacity

Yoga is a proven science - not a religion

Yoga is a physical and mental practice wholly based on intention and awareness. The adage “energy flows where attention goes” is the perfect moniker for yoga. Because yoga is a personal practice, you can choose to bring your intention and awareness to whatever moves you – and even this can change from practice to practice. Some people use yoga as a spiritual connection to God; while other people use their time on the mat as an opportunity to focus on personal goals, push the limits of their physical ability, express themselves through movement or empty their minds completely.

There are about 12 million yogis (people who practice yoga) in the U.S. alone. We all have our unique Yogi Origin Stories – the why behind our practice; but the top reasons include flexibility, heart health and stress relief.


It is important to hydrate and drink water before and after class. Coconut water gives a natural hydration and is a good alternative to drink right after practice. HESPERyoga will also provide a complimentary cucumber and mint water if desired.

Is Yoga for Everyone?

Remember that is never too late to start practicing yoga. Yoga is for beginners as well as advanced practitioners. The poses are a series of the same postures so you will get better over time. Come with a positive mind.

Group Classes?

I get asked a lot about group classes - if you have a group of 10 or less friends  that would like a class together, my flat rate is $150 for the hour. If you have a group of 10-20 friends my flat rate is $200 for an hour.  All classes can be paid for via cash at the time of class, venmo or invoice. If you do not have a group of friends but would like to try and be included in an on going small group class, send me an email request - Below I have a class request area - so if there is a class you're looking for and do not want to go the private route - please request a class and I will do what I can to meet the demand.  



class upon request


Embrace the present moment through breathing exercises. Train your mind to induce a mode of consciousness to reach inner peace. 



class upon request


Faster pace, aerobic. Promotes deep and even breathing.  Every class is designed exclusively for each client and their daily/weekly physical and emotional needs. This hands on, individualized approach linking yoga with breath and working with your lifestyle to create a healthier happier you.


Partner Yoga / Stretch

class upon request


Practicing with your partner can be a great way to spend quality time together. It promotes communication without words, trust building, and breathing techniques paired with asanas for strength, love, balance and openness. Slower pace. Focuses on classic postures and correct alignment in the body while supporting one another.




class upon request


Revitalize the body by increasing circulation to the organs and calm the nervous system through breathing exercises. - Holding for longer periods, helps to get deeper into connective tissue, fascia, joints and bones.